 Mrs. Shaimaa Ebrahim.


خبره 15 YEARS سنه

الحجز اضافة تقييمك التقييم الكلى :
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المعلومات الشخصيه

العمر : 35 سنه
الجنسيه : Egyptian
الجنس : انثى
التفاصيل :  Teacher of English.  Bachelor of Arts and Education . Ain Shams University 2006.  Diploma in teaching methodologies ,Ain Shams University.  TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) holder.  15 Years experience in teaching preparatory and secondary stages with different curriculums (Pioneer B1 , B1+ C1 ) as main courses using communicative approach .  Created practical and enjoyable lesson plans for all levels of students; engaging students utilizing interactive teaching concepts.

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