Mrs Doha Abdulatif


خبره 8years سنه

الحجز اضافة تقييمك التقييم الكلى :
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المعلومات الشخصيه

العمر : سنه
الجنسيه : Egyptian
الجنس : انثى
التفاصيل : Miss Doha Abdellatif * I am a teacher in New Generation Modern School. * I teach math for high grades (from grade 3 to grade 8) (National & International ) *Gaber El-ansary national School *Heliopolis National and international school *El Masa national School * *I train students to use their minds instead of using calculators. * I help students to be talented in all branches of math (Ordinary and Advanced levels) Your son result will be my resposibility.

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