MR. Mohamed Aly Mahmoud


خبره 21years سنه

الحجز اضافة تقييمك التقييم الكلى :
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المعلومات الشخصيه

العمر : 46 سنه
الجنسيه : Egyptian
الجنس : ذكر
التفاصيل : To be part of a structured, dynamic and flexible educational Organization that allows for creativity and self –reliance. Using the knowledge acquired through my education. Professional experience is very important, but more important is building on that knowledge base and being able to transfer my experience as well. 2016 till now Green Heights language school. Preparatory – secondary stages. 2012 till 2016 Tajan language school. Primary – preparatory stages. 2008 till 2012 Modern school of Egypt 2000. Primary – preparatory stages. 2006 till 2008 Manaret Al Farok school. Preparatory - Secondary stages. 2003 till 2006 Amgad Language school. Primary – Preparatory & Secondary stages. 2000 till 2003 Kawmiat Secondary school. Preparatory – Secondary stages Senior french Privilege school - Zahraa El Maadi Teaching DELF certificate Level a1 and a2 (junior)

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