Eng. Mohamed Zaghloul


خبره 15years سنه

الحجز اضافة تقييمك التقييم الكلى :
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المعلومات الشخصيه

العمر : 45 سنه
الجنسيه : Egyptian
الجنس : ذكر
التفاصيل : Eng. Mohamed Zaghloul * I was graduated from Cairo University ,Faculty of engineering(Electrical Power Engineering), Master degree in business and ongoing doctorate in finance. * I am teaching math for high grades (from grade 7 to grade 12) (IG , American and lB ) *I prepare students to optimize the use of their minds and the calculators depending on the situation. *Teaching Mathematics is not my job, it is my main source of happiness. * I help my students to be talented in different branches of math (Pure Math, Applied Math, Mental Math, etc…) Your son results are my own responsibility.

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